Jim Baird
Knauertown, PA
My Hobbies include-
My kids: Mackenzie (Kenzie) is 11 and James (Yes, he’s the 5th!) is 9, and my residents’ ages vary 🙂
Any time outside of my work is dedicated to them…plus cigars and yardwork, nothing better at clearing the brain noise than trimming fruit trees, clearing leaves, watering roses, and staring at my landscaping like a classic dad would do.
King’s College and Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine
Ask me about...
Anything Emergency Medicine related; I live and thrive on clinical pearls because nothing substitutes taking care of people in the ED, troubleshooting procedures, a recent article or podcast on a hot EM topic, discussions on the future of EM, benefits and limitations of evidence based medicine, how public health and policy affects the ED, residency training, undergraduate medical education, transitions to residency, and anything that affects our wonderful specialty. I am in constant search of learning something new, and discovering how much I don’t know.